This page describes the TYPE command.
The TYPE command is use to set the personality of a sensor. In the Modes of Operation section we described the two modes of an RF module. You use the TYPE command to configure which mode you want the module be in. Here is a list of all the types available:
Type Number | Description | Mode |
1 | Thermistor Temperature Sensor | Sensor Mode |
2 | Gateway | Gateway Mode |
3 | DHT22 Humidity Sensor | Sensor Mode |
4 | DS18B20 Temperature Sensor | Sensor Mode |
5 | Analog A | Sensor Mode |
6 | Analog B | Sensor Mode |
7 | Relay | Actuator Mode |
8 | SHT21 Humidity and Temperature Sensor | Sensor Mode |
9 | BME280 Pressure, Humidity and Temperature Sensor | Sensor Mode |
10 | HTU21 Humidity and Temperature Sensor | Sensor Mode |
Command: TYPE[p1]
Response: TYPE[p1]
Where: p1 = Type Number from the above table
python 03 TYPE1